Senin, 03 Agustus 2015

Methana Di Mediteranea dan Air Europa, Maret 2015

Aktifitas Lempeng Afrika juga berdampak pada para penumpang dalam penerbangan dengan Air Europa dari Spanyol ke Israel pada Maret 2015. Erupsi Gunung Thera (Minoan / Santorini eruption) harus diantisipasi terkait pergerakan lempeng ini menuju Pergeseran Kutub, menurut para alien Zeta. Berikut laporan ZetaTalk.

Terjemahan bebas Methane Mediterranean, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 443, Sunday March 29, 2015
Para alien Zeta telah menjelaskan bahwa saat Lempeng Afrika mengguling, perbatasan lempengnya yang menjalar hingga melewati Mediteranea akan ditarik terpisah. 

ZetaTalk Prediction 10/16/2010: "Kali ini Lempeng Afrika akan anjlok secara sangat signifikan, menggelincir ke selatan selama penggulingannya. 
Pergerakan ini mungkin karena, saat South Atlantic Rift robek menganga, ada ruang bagi ujung Afrika untuk menggelincir ke dalam void itu, dengan demikian menganjlokkan seluruh Lempeng Afrika saat ia menggulung. 
Lempeng Afrika tidak hanya bergerak ke selatan selama proses ini, tapi juga lebih jauh ke barat, meskipun porsi selatan dari Afrika lebih bergerak ke arah ini dari pada bagian-bagian yang berbatasan dengan Mediteranea."
Ini sedang berproses, tapi belum mencapai titik dimana aktifitas ini dapat diukur. 
Tapi bagaimana dengan gejala pingsan yang ganjil yang dialami para penumpang pesawat Air Europa dari Spanyol ke Israel baru-baru ini?
Jalur penerbangan ini berada di sepanjang perbatasan Lempeng Afrika karena perbatasan itu menjalar turun (dilihat dari peta--pen.) melewati Laut Mediteranea.
Pesawat terbang yang sedang terbang menarik udara dari luar, dan dengan demikian gas methana apapun yang bocor di sepanjang perbatasan lempeng itu akan tersedot cepat ke atas lalu masuk ke pesawat. Penjelasan airline bahwa ini akibat kerosene dari mesin-mesin jet tidak terdengar selama penerbangan itu.
Panic on Board Air Europa Flight from Barcelona to Tel Aviv, March 12, 2015 Passengers were feeling dizzy, but did not faint, after noticing a smell that was believed to be kerosene, which powers the jet's engines. All passengers left the aircraft on their own at destination. Almost 200 passengers and crew were on board the Boeing 737. One woman who fainted regained consciousness after water was poured on her, but said she soon lost consciousness a second time after feeling dizzy. She began to feel weak after the person sitting next to her adjusted the air conditioning control above their seat. There is 'no gas of any type' on the new generation of Boeing 737 aircraft, so the smell perceived by some passengers came from jet fuel. The smell of kerosene that some people perceived during flight is normal when the engines are started with headwind, but after short period of time that smell is always removed by the air conditioning system. No emergency was declared and the flight landed as scheduled.
Gas methana memang menyebabkan rasa ngantuk dan pingsan, sebagaimana didokumentasikan dengan baik pada 2007 ketika sakit-sakit akibat gas methana terjadi di hamparan luas wilayah Bumi. Ini ditafsirkan sebagai bau telur busuk saat itu, sebagai bocoran gas, tapi tidak pernah diketemukan adanya gas bocor.
On Jan 8, 2007 there were reports of what appeared to be a monstrous gas leak in New York City and nearby Jersey City. No gas leak was ever found. Rochester, NY reported 4 broken water mains during this same time frame. Marine tankers report their alarms for methane going off, but no leaks found. About a dozen people were taken to hospitals complaining of breathing problems. Then the reports from around the world started pouring in, all seeming to be happening simultaneously. Italy evacuated people from Genova and Bologna due to gas leaks, an explosion killing one. London closed their tube lines due to suspected gas leaks, smells. Australia had water main breaks in Adelaide, and gas smells evacuated a mall in Perth where several were hospitalized as a result. No gas leak was ever located. Here in the US reports came in from Ohio smells, and a factory explosion, cause unknown. Nashville, TN, gas line leak. Mobile, AL gas leak. Blue Springs, MO gas leak with explosion and evacuation. Dallas, TX smells and in Houston a factory fume leak, cause unknown, and in Austin dead birds, cause unknown. Iowa, a pond bubbling. Albuquerque, MN city evacuated due to gas smells. Half Moon Bay, CA evacuated due to smells, Santa Barbara marine tanker alarms due to methane, no leak found, and Oxnard freeway closed due to gas main break.
ZetaTalk Explanation 1/9/2007: "Apakah gas-uap ini  menyebabkan orang sakit-sakit, dan burung-burung mati?
Operasi-operasi penambangan di masa silam memiliki apa yang mereka sebut "kenari dalam sangkar", untuk memperingatkan para penambang akan kebocoran-kebocoran gas methana. Burung sangat peka terhadap gas-gas ini. Gas yang bocor membuat sakit, karena tubuh tidak dibangun untuk bernapas di udara untuk waktu lama."
Selama Pergeseran Kutub terahkir, 3600 tahun yang lalu, Mediteranea robek dengan ganasnya dan membelah di Crete, menyebabkan gunung Thera erupsi. Jadi perobekan Mediteranea seharusnya tidak mengherankan.

Minoan Eruption The Minoan eruption of Thera, also referred to as the Thera eruption or Santorini eruption, was a major catastrophic volcanic eruption. The eruption was one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in recorded history. The eruption devastated the island of Thera (also called Santorini), including the Minoan settlement at Akrotiri, as well as communities and agricultural areas on nearby islands and on the coast of Crete.

Minoan Eruption The exact date of the eruption has been difficult to determine. Archaeologists have traditionally placed it at approximately 1500 BCE. Radiocarbon dates, including analysis of an olive branch buried beneath a lava flow from the volcano which gave a date between 1627 BCE and 1600 BCE, suggest a date over a century earlier. Thus, the radiocarbon dates and the archaeological dates are in substantial disagreement. There are no surviving Egyptian records of the eruption, and the absence of such records is sometimes attributed to the general disorder in Egypt. A volcanic winter from an eruption in the late 17th century BCE has been claimed by some researchers to correlate with entries in Chinese records documenting the collapse of the Xia dynasty in China. According to the Bamboo Annals, the collapse of the dynasty and the rise of the Shang dynasty, approximately dated to 1618 BCE, were accompanied by "yellow fog, a dim sun, then three suns, frost in July, famine, and the withering of all five cereals.