Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Cuaca Beku Ekstrim Eropa Februari 2014

Sumber: 200.000 people without power in central Europe and Balkans

Cuaca Beku Ekstrim Yang Belum Pernah Terjadi Sebelumnya
Apa yang terjadi ketika cuaca beku ekstrim melanda peradaban modern yang tidak dipersiapkan terhdap cuaca semacam itu? Segalanya yang berada, setidaknya, di alam terbuka menjadi beku dan rusak, baik properti buatan manusia maupun alam, sebagaimana yang dialami Eropa hingga awal 2014 ini. Saking ekstrimnya cuaca itu, sebuah media massa Slovenia delo.si melaporkan bahwa bahkan penduduk tertua di Slovenia tidak dapat mengingat cuaca pernah semacam itu. 
"Such devastation even the oldest inhabitants can not remember." 
Such devastation in our country does not remember, 3 Feb. 2014: Due to snow and ice, which is ice vkoval greater part of the country and caused enormous damage on networks for the supply of electricity, many of the country still without electricity - yesterday which around 250,000 people. In Postojna broke or damaged almost all the trees. Similarly, in neighboring towns and villages. Such devastation even the oldest inhabitants can not remember. Trees in fact breaks and branches falling on roads and sidewalks literally before the eyes of passers-by. The town is desolate.Temperatures will remain low today and Tuesday are not expected to be icy armor began to melt. Warming and better conditions come on Wednesday. bit.ly/1cML6Vi (google translate) 
bendera beku 

Blog Poleshift ning melaporkan keekstriman itu. Jaringan listrik di Eropa Tengah dan negeri-negeri Balkan mati, berdampak pada 220.000 rakyat. [Per 2 Feb. 2014 dilaporkan bahwa cuaca akan menghangat beberapa hari ke depan.]
2 Feb. 2014: Around 220,000 people without electricity Without electricity has 30,000 customers Elektro Ljubljana. Supply is interrupted due to failure of 1297 substations in the area of ​​Christchurch, Logatec, Vrhnika, Žirov, Kočevja, Ribnica Dobrepolje, Kamnik, Grosuplje, Domale, Zagorje, Tacna, Šentjernej and Trebnjega. The worst part is in the Old Market, where customers are in Babni field for more than 24 hours without electricity. From Elektro Maribor reported that it was at night without electricity around 15,300 of their clients. Without electricity was past night were still some six thousand homes in the Pivka and Postojna, was reported by Elektra Primorske. No power supply is 200 transformer stations. Electricians in the area of ​​Postojna Centre managed to fix problems with the power supply, but broader Postojna area is still without electricity. In the area of Carinthia, stuffed Šaleška valley and the valley is without electricity 21 thousand customers, reported by Elektro Celje. bit.ly/1n5CQ3W (google translate) 
Seorang anggota poleshit.ning.com melaporkan bahwa di beberapa kota, setiap pohonnya mengalami suatu kerusakan, dan ada yang tumbang. Hutan juga mengalami kerusakan. Genset habis terjual (sebagaimana mobil pengeruk telah habis terjual di Inggris selama banjir ekstrim bulan Februari ini). Menara sutet ada yang patah kembali setelah diperbaiki, akibat cuaca beku ekstrim itu. Suplai air tentu saja menjadi terputus. Para pemerintah harus memohon bantuan luar negeri. Beberapa desa terputus dari hubungan dengan dunia luar. 

Unprecedented levels of devastation. 250.000 people without electricity: 75% of school closed. In some parts of the country the power grid is devastated. In some towns every single tree in the vicinity damaged in some way, some of them completely broken/fallen down. Electric generators coming in from neighbouring countries; there isn't a single generator available to buy, every single one is sold out. The government appealed for international help. Power lines there were fixed are broken again, due to the ice. Acoording to the forests office, 50% of all forests suffered some kind of damage. Problems with water supply. Some villages have been cut off from the world for days. May people saying they haven't seen anything like this in their entire lifetimes. 200.000 people without power in central Europe and Balkans
Feb. 2, 2014: For the whole of Slovenia red alarm tomorrow accounted for 75 percent of instruction in schools throughout the country without electricity customers 80,000: Ice storm, due to which the inhabitants of Inner since Friday morning without electricity, also covered other parts of Slovenia. Throughout Slovenia is currently without electricity has around 88,000 customers. Of electricity distribution companies in the field of correcting errors, but keep coming up with new suspension. First, they will try to provide power supply for major urban centers, rural areas, some may be cut off from the world, even a week or more. bit.ly/1eJ3UBB
Dampak di Slovenia