"Kini sebuah studi telah muncul yang mengklaim bahwa semut-semut merah di Jerman menjadi prediktor yang luar biasa bagusnya. Mereka menolak masuk ke sarang-sarang mereka di malam hari beberapa hari sebelum ada sebuah gempa. Ikan, kadal, serangga, burung, kawanan ternak, dan kawanan hewan---semuanya tampak resah dan ingin meninggalkan area jauh hari sebelum gempa. " [Baca: Radio dan Hewan Memberi Kisikan Prediksi Gempa]Berbagai penelitian khusus telah dilakukan mengenai hal ini. Dan kalau ada hewan yang sampai menjadi penelitian selama bertahun-tahun karena berpotensi dalam memprediksi gempa, maka pastilah itu hewan penting. Sebuah hasil penelitian terbaru per 2014 mengenai prilaku hewan terhadap potensi gempa yang telah dipublikasikan adalah penelitian terhadap semut merah yang dilakukan oleh Universitat Duisburg-Essen, di Jerman. Universitas ini selama 3 tahun memonitor kemungkinan hubungan prilaku semut merah dengan peristiwa-peristiwa gempa. Penelitian yang lebih detil sedang dikembangkan.
Early Results of Three-Year Monitoring of Red Wood Ants’ Behavioral Changes and Their Possible Correlation with Earthquake Events 04.02.2013 For 3 years, two Red Wood Ant mounds (Formica rufa-group), located at the seismically active Neuwied Basin (Eifel, Germany), have been monitored 24/7 by high-resolution cameras. Early results show that ants have a well-identifiable standard daily routine. Correlation with local seismic events suggests changes in the ants’ behavior hours before the earthquake: the nocturnal rest phase and daily activity are suppressed, and standard daily routine does not resume until the next day. At present, an automated image evaluation routine, developed in close cooperation with colleagues from TU Dortmund, is being applied to the more than 45,000 hours of video streams. Based on this automated approach, a statistical analysis of the ants’ behavior will be carried out. In addition, other parameters (climate, geotectonic and biological), which may influence behavior, will be included in the analysis. Published Paper in Special Issue "Biological Anomalies Prior to Earthquakes" https://www.uni-due.de/geology/research/ants_earthquakes.shtml
05.02.2014 The automated image evaluation routine, developed in close cooperation with two colleagues from the Image Analysis Group, TU Dortmund, was applied to the more than 50,000 hours of video streams. Based on this automated approach, a statistical analysis of the ants’ behaviour in relation to tectonic events in the Neuwieder Becken will be carried out. In addition, other parameters (climate, geotectonic and biological), which may influence the RWA behaviour, will be included in the analyses. AntCams: Automated image evaluation routine applied to more than 50.000 hours of RWA video streams
Belajar Dari Semut-Semut Merah
Situs Nation.com melaporkan studi dari University of Duisburg-Essen tersebut. Dari studi tersebut didapat beberapa prilaku semut merah terkait gempa.
- semut merah lebih suka membangun koloni di sepanjang garis patahan yang aktif di Jerman;
- prilaku semut-semut itu berubah secara signifikan sebelum terjadi gempa berkekuatan lebih dari 2 menimpa wilayah itu, dan prilaku ini baru normal kembali setelah sehari setelah gempa;
- sebelum gempa, semut-semut itu akan terus terjaga dan tinggal di luar sarang mereka, sehingga rentan dimangsa hewan lain;
- semut itu, menurut seorang penelitinya, Berberich, ‘memiliki alat penerima chemo untuk gradasi-gradasi karbondioksida dan alat-alat penerima untuk medan-medan magnet.
Ants able to sense quake before it hits, April 15, 2013 http://www.nation.com.pk/entertainment/15-Apr-2013/ants-able-to-sense-quake-before-it-hits
ANTS are able to sense earthquakes before they strike, new research has suggested.
Researchers have discovered red wood ants prefer to build their colonies along active faults, fractures where the Earth ruptures, in Germany. Gabriele Berberich, of the University of Duisburg-Essen, in Germany, said the behaviour of the ants significantly changed before an earthquake above magnitude 2.0 hit the area. Their behaviour did not return to normal until a day after the earthquake.
Berberich presented her research at the European Geosciences Union annual meeting, in Vienna, LiveScience has reported. Her team, who counted 15,000 ant mounds lining the active faults, tracked the ants round the clock for three years between 2009 and 2012.
The team discovered the ants would undergo their usual activities during the day before retreating into their mound at night. But before an earthquake, the ants would stay awake and remained outside the mound during the night, leaving them vulnerable to predators. The research suggested the ants only changed their behaviour when the earthquake was over magnitude 2, which is the smallest earthquakes humans can feel.
Berberich has suggested the insects are able to predict the earthquakes by picking up changing gas emissions or shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field. Berberich said: ‘Red wood ants have chemo receptors for carbon dioxide gradients and magneto receptors for electromagnetic fields. ‘We’re not sure why or how they react to the possible stimuli, but we’re planning on going to a more tectonically active region and see if ants react to larger earthquakes.’ The Times of India has reported Berberich and her colleagues are hoping to continue their research in areas where larger earthquakes are more common.Jadi, apabila kita kebetulan melihat semut-semut merah berprilaku ganjil di sekitar kita sebagaimana ciri-ciri di atas, ada baiknya kita mengindahkan sinyal-sinyal itu, sebagaimana saran para alien Zeta. [Baca: Radio dan Hewan Memberi Kisikan Prediksi Gempa]