Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

Gejolak Rakyat: Update

Menentang Penjajahan / Kesemena-menaan 

"Apa yang tengah terjadi di Mesir, 
yang dinyalakan oleh seorang anak muda yang membakar dirinya di Tunisia, 
akan menyebar ke seluruh dunia Arab, yaitu model dimana diktator memerintah dengan tangan besi. Mereka akan terjungkal satu per satu, dan regim-regim serupa di Asia dan Afrika harus mempertimbangkan diri mereka menjadi yang selanjutnya dalam daftar. Masa-masanya sudah berganti! Bumi sedang dalam Transformasi, dan tak semuanya semata-mata karena masalah geologi!"  (Wawasan ZetaTalk 5 Feb. 2011) 
Update: Ahmadinejad Prediction (blog
We Are Legion (situs lain)

Berikut daftar pendemo di Israel dan Saudi Arabia di Timur Tengah, Indonesia, India dan Malaysia di Asia, dan Swaziland di Afrika. Dengan jatuhnya Ghadaffi, rakyat Arab berderap kuat mengusung kemerdekaan dari ketertindasan. Ini hanya segelintir contoh dari kebangkitan jiwa-jiwa agung yang berjuang untuk membebaskan dunia dari ketidakadilan--ada banyak sekali jiwa agung yang tak dikenal luas--melawan elit penguasa dunia.

Aksi Solidaritas Sondang Hutagalung untuk Kaum Teraniaya

Mengenang Sondang Hutagalung, Laskar Sondang

19 Des. 2011
Jakarta, Indonesia: Three hospitalized in protest for Sondang
Three university students were admitted to hospital due to injuries received after allegedly being beaten by police dispersing a demonstration on Saturday. The students, two of them female, were part of a demonstration held in front of the State Palace in solidarity with Sondang Hutagalung, a university student who died after setting himself on fire at the same spot on Dec. 7. “This is more than just commemorating the seventh day since Sondang’s death,” the protest’s spokesperson Faren Sadou told The Jakarta Post. “It’s an attempt to awaken the public … We have to change, truth and justice must be upheld.” Sondang, a student of Bung Karno University, died on Dec. 10 after receiving burns to 97 percent of his body. He reportedly staged the protest urging President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono to step down over their failure to provide justice in Indonesia. Faren said that they would not go home until the president opened his ears and listened to their demands. “We will stay here to protest every single day until the government responds to our demands.” There have been several demonstrations in Sondang’s name in Jakarta during the past week. Apart from Saturday’s protest, another protest has been ongoing in front of the House of Representatives for the last few days. A demonstration for Sondang held in front of his campus on Wednesday ended in chaos as 200 students violently clashed with police. 

Bertepatan dengan peringatan hari Sumpah Pemuda, hari ini Jumat 28 Oktober 2011, ibukota Jakarta diwarnai beberapa aksi unjuk rasa. Gedung DPR Senayan dan Istana Merdeka menjadi sasaran para demonstran menjalankan aksinya. Di depan istana, ratusan massa dari berbagai kampus di Jakarta yang tergabung dalam Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) menjalankan aksinya.Tuntutan mereka umumnya mengkritisi kinerja pemerintahan SBY-Boediono yang dinilai gagal memberantas korupsi dan gagal mensejahterakan rakyat. Para mahasiswa yang berasal dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof HAMKA (UHAMKA), Universitas Muhamadiyah Jakarta (UMJ), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Ahmad Dahlan (STIE AD), dan Universitas Jayabaya itu bahkan meminta SBY-Boediono mundur. Sementara itu di depan gedung DPR Senayan, ribuan massa dari berbagai organisasi pekerja mengusung tema yang berbeda. Massa yang terdiri dari gabungan Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) dan Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia (FSPMI) itu mendukung pengesahan RUU BPJS. Akibat banyaknya massa yang turun dalam aksi itu, jalan Gatot Subroto di depan gedung DPR dan sekitarnya mengalami kemacetan yang cukup parah. Akibatnya, polisi terpaksa mengalihkan kendaraan yang akan melintas di lokasi itu ke tol dalam kota.

Berita demo Indonesia: maiwanews

21 Agt. 2011
Most of Tripoli Under Rebel Control, Celebrations in Green Square
Rebels say up to 85 per cent of Tripoli is under their control, except for Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziyah compound. They also claim to have taken control of the state TV building. Some estimates put the death toll from this weekend alone at more than 1,300 people, with around 5,000 injured. Two of Gaddafi's sons have reportedly been captured by the rebels. According to the Libyan leader's spokesman, Gaddafi is prepared to negotiate directly with the head of the rebel transitional council, but says the rebels are not ready to listen.

18 Agt. 2011 
'Protesters Attacked in Saudi Arabia'
Saudi Arabia, a key US ally in the Middle East, is an absolute monarchy that does not tolerate any form of dissent. Protest rallies and any public displays of dissent are considered illegal. The government has become increasingly nervous about the protests that have taken the Arab world by storm, toppling the Egyptian and Tunisian leaders, and which reached Bahrain, Yemen and Libya.

17 Agt. 2011 
India Faces Risk of its Own Arab Spring Over Anti-Graft Protests
An anti-corruption movement led by the feisty 74-year-old social activist Anna Hazare is snowballing into one of the biggest challenges in decades for the ruling Congress party and if not contained risks sparking India's own version of an Arab Spring revolt.

14 Agt. 2011 
Wave of Nationwide Social Protests Hits Israel
The "social justice" movement in Israel started in mid-July with a tent-city in Tel-Aviv, where people complained about the all too high housing costs. After four consecutive weekends of protests, the public's rage has extended to other economic issues, including the cost of food, petrol and education. The previous weekend Israel saw the largest ever protest in its history when more than 300,000 people turned out to demand urgent reforms

30 Juli  2011 
Swazi Democracy Talks Stumble
Talks on democratic reforms in Africa's last absolute monarchy stumbled Saturday as the Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions, the country's largest labour group, walked out of a civil society meeting. The king - whose fortune is estimated at $100 million - is famous for his jet-set lifestyle and lavish spending on his 13 wives, each of whom has her own palace.

16 Juli  2011 
Malaysia King Urged to Adopt Reforms
The opposition insists that the ruling National Front coalition led by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has long relied on fraud to manipulate election results and maintain its nearly 54-year uninterrupted grip on power.