Teori 11 Tahunan Siklus Matahari: Matahari mengalami siklus aktifitasnya,
yaitu dari aktifitas yang tinggi ke yang rendah dan sebaliknya, masing-masing dalam periode 11 tahun. Aktitifasnya ditandai oleh banyak/kuat atau tidaknya bintik-bintik matahari (sunspots) dan CME (coronal mass ejection/semburan elektromagnetik), contohnya yang disebut suar surya (solar flares). Aktifitas paling tinggi disebut Solar Maximum, sedangkan Solar Minimum, sebaliknya.
Aktifitas Matahari yang tertangkap oleh satelit SOHO (NASA): 2000 paling kuat (solar maximum terakhir), 2012 lemah.
Fakta Melemahnya Aktifitas Matahari
Meski faktanya adalah bahwa sejak 2004 hingga kini, 2012, aktifitas matahari melemah mendekati mati menurut para ilmuwan, NASA terus mengumumkan bahwa aktifitas di matahari terus meningkat serta mengakibatka segala gejolak alam dan gangguan perangkat elektronik (termasuk satelit). Bahkan mereka mengatakan bahwa aktifitas matahari pada Maret 2012 merupakan "event geomagnetik paling signifikan sejak 2004." Namun pada Sept. 2009, NASA sendiri mengakui pelemahan aktifitas matahari:
- September 3, 2009: Are Sunspots Disappearing? (lapran NASA): "The sun is in the pits of the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century. Weeks and sometimes whole months go by without even a single tiny sunspot. The quiet has dragged out for more than two years, prompting some observers to wonder, are sunspots disappearing? The NSO has been measuring the magnetic fields of sunspots for the past 17 years, and found a remarkable trend. Sunspot magnetism is on the decline. This disappearing act is possible because sunspots are made of magnetism. The "firmament" of a sunspot is not matter but rather a strong magnetic field that appears dark because it blocks the upflow of heat from the sun's interior."
Trend Menurun Aktifitas Matahari. Sumber gambar: NASA
Pengakuan Para Ilmuwan Lain Tentang Drastisnya Penurunan Aktifitas Bintik-Bintik matahari:
- Juli 2011: Dr. Richard Altrock: Ini Mungkin Bintik-Bintik Matahari Yang Terakhir Yang Bakalan Kita Lihat. Dr. Richard Altrock, seorang pejabat di Air Force Research Laboratory, dan tiga grup lain mengeluarkan prediksi bahwa matahari tak hanya mengarah ke siklusnya yang lemah tapi juga kemungkinan akan menjadi yang terakhir yang kita lihat sebagai bintik-bintik matahari yang signifikan selama berdekade-dekade. Altrock adalah seorang heliophysicist, spesialis di bidang observasi solar corona. Berikut video ketika ia diwawancara oleh Peter Martinson dari larouchepac.com (sebuah situs yang memberi informasi tentang astronomi serta laporan cuaca) di American Geophysical Union's Fall Meeting, San Francisco: Video Interview. Laporan ringkasan prediksi Sunspot dapat diunduh di sini: Unduh (bhs.Inggris).
- 12 Nov, 2011: Secara Fisik, Suar Matahari Pembunuh Tak Mungkin Terjadi. "Killer solar flares are a physical impossibility"
- (PhysOrg.com): (terjemahan bebas) "Mengutip fakta akurat bahwa aktifitas matahari saat ini tengah menguat dalam siklus 11 tahunan standarnya, ada orang-orang yang meyakini bahwa 2012 bisa jadi bertepatan dengan suar semacam itu. Namu siklus matahari yang sama ini telah terjadi selama bermilenium. Siapapun yang berusia di atas 11 tahun telah menjalani solar maximum semacam itu tanpa tersakiti. Lagi pula, solar maksimum selanjutnya diprediksi akan terjadi di akhir 2013 atau awal 2014, bukan 2012. Meskipun demikian, yang lebih penting lagi, pendek kata tak ada energi yang cukup di matahari untuk mengirim bola api pembunuh dari jarak 93 juta mil untuk menghancurkan bumi."
- 2011: Melemahnya Bintik Matahari Memberi Sinyal Anjloknya Aktifitas Matahari Berita: Sun's Fading Spot Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity: "Some unusual solar readings, including fading sunspots and weakening magnetic activity near the poles, could be indications that our sun is preparing to be less active in the coming years. could be indications that our sun is preparing to be less active in the coming years. The results of three separate studies seem to show that even as the current sunspot cycle swells toward the solar maximum, the sun could be heading into a more-dormant period, with activity during the next 11-year sunspot cycle greatly reduced or even eliminated. The results of the new studies were announced today (June 14) at the annual meeting of the solar physics division of the American Astronomical Society, which is being held this week at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces."
NASA: Aktifitas Matahari Terus Meningkat
NASA terus mengumumkan trend aktifitas matahari akan mengalami peningkatan memasuki tahun 2011. Pada 2009, NASA mulai mengumumkan prediksi mereka bahwa pada 2012 akan terjadi bombardir badai radiasi dari matahari ke bumi yang akan menciptakan bencana kolapsnya perangkat komunikasi. Berikut beberapa saja dari banyak pengumuman NASA tentang prediksi mereka akan terjadinya kolaps infrastruktur gara-gara terus meningkatnya aktifitas matahari, yang diberitakan di beberapa media besar di internet.
- 9 Maret, 2012: Space Storm Packs Late Punch, Biggest Since '04: (terjemahan bebas) "Suatu badai cuaca di antariksa telah membuat pukulan kuat dalam satu malam dan ternyata merupakan event geomagnetik paling signifikan sejak 2004, menurut para pakar di AS, memperingatkan akan adanya lebih banyak gangguan di akhir pekan ini. Radiasi yang menyembur cepat dari matahari telah menyebabkan gangguan-gangguan pembangkit-pembangkit tenaga listrik terbatas, memaksa pesawat-pesawat terbang memutar di kutub-kutub bumi serta memunculkan kilapan-kilapan terang Northern Lights di beberapa wilayah di dunia."
- 8 Mar. 2012: Solar Storm: (terjemahan bebas) "Radiasi dari suar surya telah menyebabkan matinya frekuensi-frekuensi tinggi radio yang digunakan oleh pesawat yang terbang di atas kutub utara dan kutub selatan, menurut pusat pemantau. Suar surya tersebut dikategorikan dalam kelas X-5, dan X merupakan kategori tertinggi dalam skala para ilmuwan."
- 23 Jan. 2012: Huge Solar Eruption Sparks Strongest Radiation Storm in 7 Years: "A powerful solar eruption is expected to blast a stream of charged particles toward Earth tomorrow (Jan. 24), as the strongest radiation storm since 2005 rages on the sun. Sunday's solar flare was rated an M9-class eruption, which placed it just on the verge of being an X-class flare, the most powerful type of solar storm. M-class sun storms are powerful but mid-range, while C-class flares are weaker."
- 2 April 2009: 2012 May Bring the "Perfect Storm" - Solar Flares, Systems Collapse: " Long scorned as "mysticism" and "parascience," concern about the year 2012 has now surfaced in a mainstream NASA report on the potential impacts on human society of solar flares anticipated to peak in 2012."
- 23 Maret 2009: Space Storm Alert: 90 Seconds from Catastrophe: "It is midnight on 22 September 2012 .....Then all the lights in the state go out. Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power. A year later and millions of Americans are dead and the nation's infrastructure lies in tatters. The World Bank declares America a developing nation. Europe, Scandinavia, China and Japan are also struggling to recover from the same fateful event .......Surely the sun couldn't create so profound a disaster on Earth. Yet an extraordinary report funded by NASA and issued by the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in January this year claims it could do just that."
- 9 Jan. 2009: Powerful Solar Storm Could Shut Down U.S. for Months: "A new study from the National Academy of Sciences outlines grim possibilities on Earth for a worst-case scenario solar storm. Damage to power grids and other communications systems could be catastrophic, the scientists conclude, with effects leading to a potential loss of governmental control of the situation. The prediction is based in part on a major solar storm in 1859 that caused telegraph wires to short out in the United States and Europe, igniting widespread fires. It was perhaps the worst in the past 200 years, according to the new study, and with the advent of modern power grids and satellites, much more is at risk. ....... The report was commissioned and funded by NASA."
- 7 Jan. 2009: NASA warns of 'space Katrina' radiation storm: The new study, carried out for NASA by the US National Academy of Sciences, might tickle the palate of even the most jaded disaster connoisseur. "Whether it is terrestrial catastrophes or extreme space weather incidents, the results can be devastating to modern societies that depend in a myriad of ways on advanced technological systems," says Professor Daniel Baker of Colorado Uni, an expert in atmospheric and space physics who led the report's authors.