Selasa, 30 September 2014

Status Lempeng Per Feb. 2014: India Terus Ambles

Terjemahan bebas dari India Steadily Sinks, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 394, Sunday April 20, 2014 

Prediksi-prediksi Zeta untuk urutan pergerakan-pergerakan lempeng Tahap 7 (menuju Tahap 10, Pergeseran Kutub) menyatakan bahwa amblesnya lempeng yang menahan India di awal urutan itu, dan terus memicu pergerakan-pergerakan lempeng di seluruh dunia sebagai "rem" pada lempeng-lempeng yang menyebabkan seluruh lempeng itu, mengikuti secara domino ketika rem itu dilepas.
Ini merupakan proses yang berulang-ulang. 
[Prediksi ZetaTalk Tentang Lempeng-Lempeng Indo-Australia, Pasifik, dan Amerika Selatan, dan Pengamblesan Indonesia selama Tahap 7]
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/16/2010:  Demikianlah urutan-urutan event-event itu: suatu penjungkitan pada Lempeng Indo-Australia dengan pengamblesan Indonesia, suatu pelipatan Lempeng Pasifik yang memungkinkan Lempang Amerika Selatan mengguling.
Pengamblesan terus terjadi di wilayah India yang berada di lempeng Indo-Australia, yang sedang terselip ke bawah Peg. Himalaya. Lembah Hindus di Pakistan terletak di perbatasan lempeng ini, dan telah mengalami serangan-serangan air laut secara tetap sebagaimana yang didetilkan dalam blog Pole Shift ning  ini, serta newsletter sebelumnya yang menggambarkan tentang  Pakistan Mud Islands pada Oktober, 2013 dan berkurangnya ketinggian sebanyak 10 feet pada 2011 sebagaimana yang telah diprediksikan oleh para Zeta di awal urutan Tahap 7.
Pakistan: 34 of the sub-district's 42 settlements have disappeared under the sea,April 2, 2014: KARACHI, Pakistan, April 2 (UPI Next) -- The  intrusion of the Arabian Sea into the mouth of the Indus River on Pakistan's  southern coast is eroding land, forcing whole villages to relocate inland, and  threatening fishing livelihoods, residents and environmental experts say. source
[Prediksi ZetaTalk Tentang Pengamblesan India]
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: Tepian barat India, dimana wilayah Sungai Hindus di Pakistan sedang ambles, juga tidak akan mengalami penurunan ketinggiannya sebanyak itu, sepadan dengan tepian timur India, mungkin sekitar 10 kaki.
Lalu di sisi lain dari wilayah India di bagian India yang berada di atas Bangladesh (dari sudut pandang peta--pen.), sebuah pulau di tengah sungai wilayah Assam sedang rontok, sebagaimana yang didetilkan dalam blog Pole Shift ning ini.  
India: Majuli, world's largest river island is shrinking and sinking, February 18, 2014: Snuggling in the lap of the massive Brahmaputra, the gorgeous hotspot of Assam is now facing grave threats of abrasion caused by the gigantic river itself. The largest river island Majuli is submerging due to excessive sediment discharge caused by frequent low magnitude seismic disturbances. It has been reported that the surface area of the island, originally 1100 square kilometres has shrunk drastically and now areas 352 square kilometres. Source
[Kep. Maladewa Sedang Ambles]
Dan akhirnya, Kep. Maldive (Maladewa), di bagian barat daya India dan yang berbagi lempeng dengan India, sedang menurun ketinggiannya untuk ambles ke dalam laut, sebagaimana yang didetilkan dalam blog Pole Shift ning ini. Dengan demikian, India--di bagian kanan, kiri, dan dasarnya--sedang menunjukkan bukti-bukti pengamblesannya. 
Sinking islands battle tides. Paradise lost Small island nations around the world are already feeling the impact of rising sea levels. And probably none more so than the Maldives in the Indian Ocean, which is considered the lowest-elevation country on the planet. The average elevation of its 26 atolls is just 1.5 meters (5 feet) above sea level - so it wouldn't take much for the country to be rendered completely uninhabitable. Source
Villagers in Pakistan face Threat from Rising Seawater, April 2, 2014 The intrusion of the Arabian Sea into the mouth of the Indus River on Pakistan's southern coast is eroding land, forcing whole villages to relocate inland, and threatening fishing livelihoods. In the early 20th century, the area was famous for production and export of red rice and fish. For centuries earlier, it was a center of trade and scholarship, partly due to the old port at the seafront town of Keti Bunder. Now the survival of this part of the dying delta region is threatened.
Sinking Islands Battle Tides of Climate Change, March 29, 2014: Rising waters have already caused some islanders to flee their homes for higher ground. On the Kiribati islands in the Pacific, some villages have been completely flooded. Local farmers also have to worry about encroachment of saltwater on their crops. The ever-approaching sea means less surface area for agriculture, and a greater need to transport food from afar.
Majuli, World's Largest River Island is Shrinking and Sinking, February 18, 2014 The largest river island Majuli is submerging due to excessive sediment discharge caused by frequent low magnitude seismic disturbances. It has been reported that the surface area of the island, originally 1100 square kilometres has shrunk drastically and now areas 352 square kilometres.