Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Laporan Debu/Hujan/Badai Merah

Dampak Planet X

7 Sept. 2012: Yangtze River Turns Red and Turns Up a Mystery (yahoo) For a river known as the "golden watercourse," red is a strange color to see. Yet that's the shade turning up in the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why. The red began appearing in the Yangtze, the longest and largest river in China and the third longest river in the world, yesterday near the city of Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River. While the river's red coloring was most pronounced near Chongqing it was also reported at several other points. Officials are reportedly investigating the cause.

12 Sept. 2012: Landslides and the Red Yangtze River (blogs.agu.org) Inevitably, there is a great deal of speculation as to the cause of this change in colour, ranging from a “red tide” algal bloom (unlikely as this is marine phenomenon), pollution such as a toxic chemical spill (also unlikely given the scale – the Yangtze is a huge river at this point, such that this would need to be a huge input of chemicals), the Yunnan earthquake (again unlikely given the location of the affected area), or sediment generated by soil erosion and landslides. By far the mostly likely cause of the change of colour is a large-scale input of iron-rich sediment to the river.  It is notable that a large flood wave passed down the river last week, caused by heavy rainfall in Sichuan Province. This was reportedly the largest flood wave for two decades. One leading candidate might be the Wenchuan Earthquake area, where we know that very large quantities of sediment were released from the slopes.  Could it be that this is the main part of that sediment plume passing downstream?  If so, I am surprised that it has taken so long, but it could be that a portion of the sediment has been stored in the channel and only mobilised during this extreme rainfall event.
12 Juni 2012: Cina dilanda kabut asap hijau dan kuning : Kabut asap yang menyesakkan napas ini melanda tujuh kota. Menurut kantor berita Xinhua, penyebabnya bukanlah kecelakaan industri melainkan pembakaran jerami. Namun aparat masih terus menyelidiki penyebab sesungguhnya.
10 Juni 2012: Sawang, Aceh, diguyur hujan merah darah. Lokasi: Pasi Tuan Ilang, Desa Desa Sawang I Kecamatan Sawang, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. 

Image Credit: Aceh.Tribun News 

16 Feb. 2012: Sungai di Beirut tiba-tiba memerah. Warna sungai menjadi merah gara-gara adanya cairan merah tak dikenal yang mengalir ke sungai itu. Menurut warga, sungai tersebut memerah setiap dua bulan.
  • 25 Sept. 2009: Debu merah di Sydney tiba di New ZealandMenurut seorang ahli cuaca, Chris Noble, debu merah ini termasuk langka. Badai debu biasa saja terjadinya setiap 70 tahun. Seorang warga menyangka debu merah yang menyelimuti mobil putihnya adalah karat. Tapi ia baru sadar ada yang tidak beres saat melihat ada debu oranye juga. Beberapa wilayah di New Zealand kala itu hujan lebat, dengan suhu minus 3C, sebagian lagi bersalju. 
  • 23 Sept. 2009: Debu merah di Sydney. Debu merah yang diiringi hembusan angin kencang membuat langit berwarna oranye dan, seperti badai debu pada umumnya, mengganggu saluran pernapasan. 
Image Credit: inilah.com
  • 25 Juli - 23 Sept. 2001: Hujan darah di Kerala, IndiaPenelitian membuktikan bahwa air hujan tersebut mengandung sel-sel et/alien (dari luar bumi).   
  • 3 Feb. 2007: Kandungan Besi Tinggi Pada Salju Kuning. Menteri Pertahanan Sipil di Omsk, Rusia, menyatakan bahwa salju kuning tersebut mengandung besi dengan kadar empat kali lebih banyak dari normal.    
  • 2 Feb 2007: Salju Kuning di SiberiaHujan salju kuning yang bau turun di beberapa kota di Siberia, seluas lebih dari 1500 km2.