Sabtu, 26 November 2011

St. Lawrence Seaway Agustus 2008: Strata Bebatuannya Berpatahan

Terjemahan bebas dari Seaway Snapping, The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 91, Sunday August 17, 2008

Baru-baru ini laporkan tentang suara mendengung di Green Bay, yang penyebabnya digambarkan oleh para Zeta adalah bebatuan yang tertekan saat seaway menarik terpisah. Kini, Kincardine, Ontario, tepat di seberang Danau Huron dari Michigan mengalami pematahan pada bebatuannya.
Tarik sebuah garis di antara Kincardine, Ontario, dan titik dimana jembatan I-35 di Minneapolis putus, lallu menyeberanginya ke Green Bay, Wisconsin. Sudah pastinya ini sebuah aktifitas peregangan dan sebuah area yang teregang!
Zona Peregangan 
Mystery Deepens Surrounding Kincardine Area Explosions, August 7, 2008 The mystery has deepened surrounding explosions that shook the Kincardine area with University of Western Ontario scientists ruling out a meteor shower. Highly sensitive devices installed near Lucan by Western to monitor low frequency sound waves detected a series of four impulses that lasted about a minute, starting at 11:12 p.m. on July 31. Five minutes later a low frequency rumbling was detected coming from the Kincardine area. With Ontario's largest nuclear plant located just north of Kincardine, the explosions have triggered international media interest. Officials at Bruce Power have said there was nothing unusual at the nuclear station.
Residents describing walls shaking and windows rattling. If it had been caused by a meteor, there should have been a bright fireball in the sky. The university has a camera system at Kincardine aimed at the sky to capture the image of any meteors. In the past, the same instruments have picked up mining explosions in Wyoming in the western U.S. and the Shell refinery explosion in Sarnia. But the signals also don't fit another theory, that it was caused by a sonic boom from a jet, he said. The closest fit for the signals from the explosion, particularly the low rumbling, would be surface blasting at a mine. The only mine in the area is Sifto Salt's underground operation at Goderich. A worker at the mine yesterday who lives nearby said he has never felt any tremor from blasting at the salt mine that stretches under the lake.
Menurut para Zeta, ini hanya contoh lain tentang apa yang akan terjadi nanti. Perubahan-perubahan bumi akan jauh semakin serius, jauh lebih ganas, dan infrastruktur manusia akan terkena dampaknya.
Penjelasan ZetaTalk /9 Agt. 2008: Bebatuan yang berpatahan mengeluarkan suara berisik. Bebatuan yang tertekan dapat menciptakan suara menengung, yang digambarkan seperti suara motor yang menderu jauh di bawah tanah atau di dekat sana. Namun ketika bebatuan berpatahan, yang terjadi bukan hanya vibrasi. (Dalam hal ini) Seaway sedang robek membelah! Banyak orang di Ontario dan di wilayah dekatnya, di Negara Bagian New York, melaporkan adanya suara berdengung atau sebuah vibrasi.