Storm delivers Onslow a red-dust sunset (yahoo): Jurien Bay man Brett Martin and his colleagues were working west of False Island when the thunderstorm, which had gathered dust and sand as it developed, passed over Onslow and out to the Indian Ocean. Mr Martin said the storm built up in a matter of minutes. “We were steaming along in the boat just before sunset and the storm was casually building in the distance, then it got faster and faster and it went from glass to about 40 knots in two minutes,” he said. “It was like a big dust storm under a thunderhead, there was a lot of lightning but not a lot of rain.” Bureau of Meteorology duty forecaster Austen Watkins said the stunning view was created as wind and rain caused the storm to dump the sand and dust it had ingested while passing Onslow. He said gusts of up to 102km/h were recorded from the thunderstorm at about 7.30pm on Wednesday, and such storms were normal for the region at this time of year. The storm was unrelated to the looming Tropical Cyclone Narelle, he said.
A tug boat worker has captured spectacular images of a gigantic wall of dust and water roaring off the Western Australian coast. (ninemsn): The thunderstorm, unrelated to Tropical Cyclone Narelle, which is due to make landfall later today, appeared at sunset on Wednesday evening off the coast of Onslow, in the Pilbara region in WA's northwest. "The storm was casually building in the distance, then it got faster and faster and it went from glass to about 40 knots in two minutes," Mr Martin told The West Australian newspaper. "It was like a big dust storm under a thunderhead, there was a lot of lightning but not a lot of rain." “A Bureau of Meteorology forecaster said wind and rain caused the storm to dump sand and dust it had collected while passing Onslow. He said such storms were normal for the region at this time of year”.
Apa sesungguhnya penyebab badai spektakuler semacam itu? Para Zeta menjelaskan bahwa peristiwa tersebut bukan fenomena alam normal melainkan karena, tidak lain dan tidak bukan, keterhuyungan bumi akibat Planet X/Nibiru.
Penjelasan ZetaTalk ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 12, 2013 (terjemahan bebas):
"Satu pertanda adanya keterlibatan keterhuyungan bumi adalah perubahan yang tiba-tiba pada kecepatan angin, dari yang sangat tenang menjadi sangat berangin.
Pertanda lainnya adalah arah angin.
Jika normalnya angin datang dari laut saat matahari terbenam, maka tidaklah normal kalau anginnya berhembus keluar (ke laut--pen.) dari darat. (Karena) Selama siang hari, daratan memanas, maka (panas--pen.) mengurangi tekanan udara, sehingga angin datang dari laut, ketimbang yang sebaliknya.Pertanda ketiga adalah bahwa badai pasir tidak biasanya terbawa ke laut, karena adanya kelembaban ekstra yang terbawa oleh angin di atas laut sehingga terjadi hujan, yang membersihkan udara dari partikel-partikel debu.
Kalau publik hingga kini belum mendapat penjelasan (yang benar--pen.) dari sumber lain selain ZetaTalk, mereka tengah memperhatikan, dan menjadi resah."